- Investigating the effects of silver nanoparticles synthesized by the green method on the expression of biofilm genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae strains
Amir Mirzaii *, Kambiz larijani, Nastaran Parkan - The effect of web-based educational intervention regarding "Oral Health and Tobacco" on the knowledge and attitude of dental students in the field of smoking control and cessation
Zahra Momeni *, Mohammad Hesari, Azadeh Babaei - Calculating the costs of general dentistry doctorate in Alborz University of Medical Sciences in the academic year 2021-2022 based on the activity-based costing model (ABC)
Morteza Nazari *, Somayeh khoramian Tusi, Arezo Aghakouchakzadeh, Parichehr Jahangiri pashaki - Prevalence and Pattern of Nosocomial Infections in a Hospital in North East of Iran during 2017-2021
Maliheh Ziaee, Reza Ahmadi, Abdoljavad Khajavi, Alireza Moadel, Farnoosh Sharifi Mood, Mitra Tavakolizadeh * - Design, synthesis and formulation of niosomes containing acetaminophen: structural properties, anticancer effects and apoptotic gene expression analysis
Amir Mirzaie, Maryam Abbasi * - Assessment of the Cannabidiol on the Lethality of Protoscolexes of Hydatid Cyst
Mahdis Sharifian zade, Azadeh Khalili, Mohammad Zibaei, Abolfazl Miahipour * - Investigation of frequency of genetic causes of intellectual disability in Alborz province
Sayyed Yaser Sayyedin, Malihe Farid, , Roshanak Jazayeri * - The status of health tourism within the legal framework and policy documents of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Mohammad Abid, Nezam Armand *, Mohammad Ejtehadi, Fahima Taheri
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Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2024، Volume 14، Number 1
- Print ISSN: 2322-3839
- Online ISSN: 2588-3046
- Director-in-Charge: Dr Shahram Sayyadi
- Editor-in-Chief: Dr Yahya Khosravi
- Publisher: Alborz University of Medical sciences
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