:: Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2020) ::
aumj 2020, 9(3): 251-258 Back to browse issues page
Effective Personality Traits in Students' Tendency Toward Cosmetic Surgeries
Nastaran Jokar1 , Leili Salehi2 , Leila KeikavoosiArani * 3
1- Bachelor's Degree in Public Health, School of Health, Alborz University of Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iran
2- Associate Professor, Department of Health Education& Promotion, School of Health, Research Center for Health,Safety and Environment, Alborz University of Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iran
3- Assistant Professor, Department of Health Services Management, School of Health, Research Center for Health, Safety and Environment, Alborz University of Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iran , Leila_keikavoosi@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2334 Views)
Background: In modern societies increasing tend to cosmetic surgery is worrying concern. This study was conducted to determine Affecting personality traits on tendency toward cosmetic surgeries among students of Alborz medical sciences university.
Method: This study was cross sectional ( descriptive- analytical ) study. The statistical population was 1563 students from Alborz medical sciences university. The sample size was 352 students that were selected by s random sampling methods. NEO questionnaire (with 60 question) used for measuring the personality traits of the subjects. Data were analyzed using SPSS 10 software Chi-squared test was used for comparing frequencies.
Results: Among Students who were interested or performed cosmetic surgery 32.14% were extraverted, 25% were conscientious and well-organized, 21.48% were openness, 14.28% percent were neurotic, 7.1% percent were Agreeableness to the cosmetic surgery.
Conclusion: The most effective personality trait on tendency toward cosmetic surgeries was extraversion and the least one, was agreeableness. The current study findings showed the impact of the psychological factors in request for cosmetic surgery. According to the findings of the study , the age of audiences and personality traits had a significant relation with tendency to the cosmetic surgery, Policymakers and university officials, with design and implement workshops in raising awareness of the students about the negative and positive dimensions of these surgeries, and preventing from the blind imitation.
Keywords: Personality traits, Cosmetic surgery, NEO Questionnaire, Tendency, Students
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/06/09 | Accepted: 2020/06/09 | Published: 2020/06/09

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Volume 9, Issue 3 (Summer 2020) Back to browse issues page