Volume 2, Issue 2 (4-2013)                   aumj 2013, 2(2): 67-75 | Back to browse issues page

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Fatehi R, Saberi M, Tofighi Zavare H, Banifatemi H. A Study of the Incidence of Substance Abuse in Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder with or without Self Injurious Behavior in Roozbeh Hospital in Tehran from Tir, 1387 to Tir, 1388. aumj 2013; 2 (2) :67-75
URL: http://aums.abzums.ac.ir/article-1-93-en.html
1- Specialist of Forensic Medicine & Toxicologist, Sarem Hospital, Tehran, Iran , Fatehi_roya@yahoo.com
2- Psychiatrist, Forensic Medical Center of Tehran, Iran
3- Specialist of Forensic Medicine & Toxicologist, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4- Pharmacist, Pharmacy of Naft Hospital, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (11089 Views)
Background: The goal of this study was to evaluate the incidence of substance abuse in patients with borderline personality disorder with or without self injurious behavior who referred to Rouzbeh hospital in Tehran from July 2008 to July 2009. Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed in 70 patients with Borderline personality disorder. Only patients who were diagnosed according to DSM IV and psychiatric interview were recruited. A questionnaire was given to all patients including different items about self injurious behaviors, drug and substance abuse. Data was analyzed by SPSS 16.00 statistical software using Chi square and t test. Results: Of 70 patients, 35.7% were female and 64.3% were male. Rate of self injury was higher in male patients (58.6%). Moreover, substance abuse was significantly higher in patients with self injury. There was an inverse correlation between education level and self injury. In addition, 66.7% of the patients reported that they need medical management after self injury behavior. Forty (57.1%) of patients with self injury has history of psychiatry drugs consumption but there were no relationship between psychiatry drugs abuse and self injury. The most common substance abuses were (62.9%) alcohol, (57.1%) cannabis, (41.4%) Tramadol, (24.3%) crack, and (22.9%) ecstasy. Patients with self injury had higher rate of substance abuse. Conclusion: The result of this study as some similar studies indicated the high prevalence of substance abuse in borderline patients with or without self injury. Thus, it seems that considering substance abuse as a significant problem in these patients is essential.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2013/09/10 | Accepted: 2024/08/19 | Published: 2013/05/15

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