Volume 7, Issue 1 (Vol. 7, No. 1; 2018 2018)                   aumj 2018, 7(1): 24-34 | Back to browse issues page

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Enayat H, Anbary Roozbahany M. The Study of Pshycho-Social Factors Related to Women Tendecy to Cosmetic Surgeries (A Case Study: The Women Population Aged 15-50 of Shiraz). aumj 2018; 7 (1) :24-34
URL: http://aums.abzums.ac.ir/article-1-717-en.html
1- Faculty of Social Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Abstract:   (5783 Views)
Introduction: Plastic surgery intended to beautify has emerged along with modernity. It becomes one of the social norms by majority acceptance and it is considered as one of the individual daily concerns, particularly among women. In this research, it is stressed on the necessity of studying the psychological reasons women; tend to cosmetic surgery.
Materials and Methods: This study is a survey and the data collection tool are standard Rosenberg self-esteem questionnaire (SES) and self-image questions based on Schilder theory that are filled by 400 people of women living in Shiraz in 1394. Then collected data was analyzed through SPSS16 software by logistic regression, chi-squared test and phi Cramer. The sampling was geographical cluster multistage.  With the help of the urban block map, areas were randomly selected and questionnaires were given to the respondents at their homes.
Results: It is found that there is a meaningful relationship between the studied depended variable and income, age and education. A significant relationship between marital status and the rate of cosmetic surgery has been also confirmed.
The existing meaningful relationship between married status and the rate of trend toward cosmetic surgery is denied. The significant relationship between employment and trend rates toward cosmetic surgery is rejected. By increasing the rate of self-esteem and satisfaction of physical image, trend to cosmetic surgery decreases
Conclusion: Modernity has provided a different conditions  from before for everyone. It has given the power of choice and power of change to people including changes in body. In this research, which aims to study psychological factors affecting women tendency to cosmetic surgery, the findings are consistent with theoretical social psychology written in this study. But with the recent changes, some thinkers Considered, being a woman is high-risk in this period and they believe that the female body which is approved by others will be defined in a risky culture.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2018/04/07 | Accepted: 2018/04/07 | Published: 2018/04/07

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