1- Department of Surgery, Loghman Hakim Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , yegane.r@gmail.com
2- Department of Surgery, Loghman Hakim Hospital, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (7006 Views)
Skin avulsions of male genitals are a rare traumatic plastic surgery and urologic emergency. This kind of trauma occur mainly because of accidents with industrial machines or agricultural machine belts. In this paper we reported two patients with traumatic avulsion of penile and scrotal skin. These patients wound were covered with split thickness skin graft after two weeks. We recommend for using a split thickness skin graft to cover the penis and scrotal degloved area because of this operation has minimal invasiveness and rapid healing.
Type of Study:
Case Report |
Special Received: 2014/08/23 | Accepted: 2014/08/23 | Published: 2014/08/23