Volume 10, Issue 2 And Supplement (supplement; Spring 2021)                   aumj 2021, 10(2 And Supplement): 49-54 | Back to browse issues page

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Pero M, Ershadi A, Gholami R, Atrchi P, Jafari Asl M. Physicochemical Analysis of Carbonated Fruit Drink and Cola Beverage Prepared from Fructose Syrup 55 and Sucrose. aumj 2021; 10 (2) :49-54
URL: http://aums.abzums.ac.ir/article-1-1268-en.html
1- PhD of Food Engineering Farhikhtegan Zarnam Research & Industrial Group (Knowledge-Based Research Center) , M.Pero@zarholding.com
2- MSc of Food Engineering Farhikhtegan Zarnam Research & Industrial Group (Knowledge-Based Research Center)
3- R&D Director in Danjeh Aria Co (Hoffenberg)
4- PhD of Analytical Chemistry Farhikhtegan Zarnam Research & Industrial Group (Knowledge-Based Research Center)
Abstract:   (2379 Views)
In this study, carbonated fruit drink and cola beverage were prepared by sucrose and fructose syrup 55. The physicochemical properties of these samples were measured and compared. Three treatments for both types of drinks were considered: 100 % sucrose; 100 % fructose syrup 55; 50 % sucrose and 50 % fructose syrup 55. Changes in the sugar profile of both types of drinks and turbidity of carbonated fruit drinks were measured in a 45-day period by HPLC and turbidimeter, respectively. It was observed that during storage, some parts of sucrose in both drinks were hydrolyzed into glucose and fructose. The degree of hydrolysis in the case of cola was greater than that of carbonated fruit drink. According to the obtained results, the degree of sucrose hydrolysis was lower than 10 % for carbonated fruit drinks after 45 days of storage, while for cola drinks this value was about 30 %. The turbidity of carbonated fruit drinks prepared by fructose syrup was lower than those prepared by sucrose. The greater the substitution of sucrose with fructose syrup, the lower the turbidity.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/02/05 | Accepted: 2021/03/30 | Published: 2021/03/30

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