Mohammad Golshan Tafti , Sara Golzari,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (12-2018)
Objective: Neonatal jaundice is one of the most common findings in examination of neonates. Phototherapy is a health and safe procedure as well as one of the most common methods for treating of indirect hyperbilirubinemia. The aim of this study was to compare characteristics of home phototherapy with hospital phototherapy in jaundiced neonates.
Material and Methods: This research was a cohort study. This study was carried out on 120 term(and older than 24 hours) neonates who was admitted to the pediatric ward of Shohadaye Kargar Hospital, Yazd, Iran and also the refereed neonates to Yazd Isatis Emdad for phototherapy. The neonates was divided into 2 groups (home phototherapy and hospital phototherapy), randomly. Phototherapy was performed in both groups. Serum bilirubin was measured and recorded in neonates in the beginning of phototherapy and after 24 hour. Data was collected and analyzed by appropriate statistical tests using SPSS software version 17.
Results: According to the present study, the average serum bilirubin level in home phototherapy and hospital phototherapy was 10.52 and 10.97 respectively. (SD 2.09 vs. 1.72). Bilirubin decreased 3.84 mg/dl in home phototherapy and 3.73 mg/dl in hospital phototherapy. The average duration of phototherapy at home was lower than hospital phototherapy. In addition, average cost of phototherapy at home was lower than hospital phototherapy. Dehydration was not obvious in the study duration. Diarrhea was found in 2 neonates at home and 6 neonates in hospital during phototherapy. During phototherapy, 31 neonates at home and 38 neonates in hospital suffered skin rash. Satisfaction rate was 92.3% in hope phototherapy and 70% in hospital phototherapy.
Conclusion: According to this study, age, gender, weight at birth and phototherapy complications were equal in home phototherapy and hospital phototherapy. Decreased level of bilirubin in home phototherapy was same to hospital phototherapy. Moreover, Duration of phototherapy and costs in home group were lower than hospital group, significantly.
Mohmmmad Golshan Tafti, Mohammad Karbaliezadeh,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (1-2019)
Background: Hyperbilirubinemia is common complaint in neonatal medicine and most of neonates were involved. Intravenous (IVFT) fluid therapy can decrease neonatal needs to blood exchange and hospitalization in accompanied with phototherapy. Present control trial was designed for determining the impacts of IVFT fluid therapy accompanied with phototherapy in neonates with hyperbilirubinemia.
Methods: Present parallel randomized double blinded control trial study was performed on fifty term infants of two educational hospitals during six months between January and June 2015. Study intervention was getting 70 cc/kg IV fluid (mixture of 33.3%normal saline and 66.6% dextrose serum) more than phototherapy. Study object was assessment of impact of IV fluid therapy on serum bilirubin of neonates with hyperbilirubinemia. Outcome was decrease in serum bilirubin level of neonates. Neonates were allocated to the trial groups randomly with table of accidental numbers.
Results: Finally 25 neonates in case and 25 neonates in control group included into analysis. Total Serum Bilirubin (TSB) was checked eight hours after study begging and continues daily until achieving to less than 12 mg/dl. Complete blood cells and group, maternal and infants Rh, direct combs test, reticulocyte count , total and direct bilirubin were measured accompanied with TSB. There was no significant differences in serum level of bilirubin between study groups in first eight hours, first and second day. Mean of hospital stay duration between two study groups had no significant differences.
Conclusion: IV fluid therapy had not significant therapeutic effects on TSB in neonates but it can be used for treatment of dehydration.