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Showing 3 results for Hearing Loss

Sara Bakhshian Shahrbabaki, Faranak Nasirpour, Shahram Saber Siahpous,
Volume 7, Issue 1 (1-2018)

Introduction: Noise is one of the most common physical harmful agent in the work places with different severity in almost all industries. The noise higher than the standard level can be a potential source for human injuries. The aim of this study was to evaluate noise induce hearing loss among welders.
Materials and Methods: This cross - sectional study was done in 2013 to 2014 on the welders who referred to occupational medicine centers of Shohadaye Fardis to do occupational medicine checkup. Audiometric test was done in acoustics room for both ear and after data collection, statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software (version 22).
Results: The results showed that among 54 welders (5.17% of all referred persons), 18 persons (33.3%) has hearing problems, 36 persons (66.7%) of persons were healthy. among welders with hearing loss, 6 persons (33%) had unilateral NIHL and 11 persons (66%) had a bilateral NIHL. hearing loss was more in 6000 Hz frequency in the left ear.
Conclusions: Research showed that welders are prone to hearing loss and requires corrective and preventive actions in order to control their hearing system damage.
Omid Rezaei, Najmeh Ranji, Zeinab Khazaei Koohpar,
Volume 9, Issue 2 (4-2020)

Introduction: Mutation in SLC26A4 gene is one of reason of syndromic and non-syndomic hearing loss. Mutation in this gene is reported to be the second most common cause of deafness in the worldwide, after GJB2 gene. The aim of this study was to evaluate mutations in exon 10 of SLC26A4 gene in individuals with hearing loss in Guilan province.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, blood samples were collected from 31 individuals with hearing loss from Guilan province. After DNA extraction, exon 10 of SLC26A4 gene was amplified by PCR method and underwent direct sequencing.
Results: In this study, 22 women (71%) and 9 men (29%) with hearing loss were found and in five patients (16%) was detected mutation in exon 10 of SLC26A4 gene. Four patients had base substitution in codon 399 (c.1195T>C, p.S399P) as heterozygous. Also, in a patient was found a nucleotide deletion in codon 399 (c.1197delT, p.S399SfsX31) as homozygous.
Discussion: It seems that mutation in SLC26A4 is one of the important reasons of deafness in hearing loss individual in Guilan province.
Hadi Behzad, Setareh Kafashan, Ali Eslami Zahraii, Mahmoud Rezvani Amin, Ahmad Mohammad Baigi,
Volume 13, Issue 4 (11-2024)

Meniere's disease is characterized by recurrent episodes of vertigo, sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, and aural fullness, with endolymphatic hydrops being the most significant histopathological change associated with the condition. The etiology of Meniere's disease and the connection between its symptoms and endolymphatic hydrops remain unclear and controversial. Approximately 3% of patients with Meniere's disease are pediatric, leading to a scarcity of studies focused on this demographic. This report presents a rare case of Meniere's disease in a child. The patient was a 14-year-old girl who visited the Echo Hearing-Balance Clinic in Mashhad, reporting hearing loss and tinnitus. Evaluations revealed low-frequency hearing loss, and MRI results were completely normal. A comprehensive assessment, including medical history, audiological findings, electrophysiological tests, and vestibular evaluations, indicated a diagnosis of Meniere's disease.

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